First Available Pickup Date


The earliest date that our carriers can arrange to pick up your car is the "First Available Pickup Date". It's crucial to remember that an early pickup is not guaranteed on this date. The precise date of pickup is dependent upon several factors, main among them being the availability of vehicles in your area and the specific needs of your shipment.

Even while we make every effort to assign a truck to load your car on or soon after the First Available Pickup Date, there may be situations where pickup is postponed by a few days because of uncontrollable circumstances. However, our normal pickup window is normally open from 1 to 5 business days beginning on the provided First Available Pickup Date. In case if this time limit exceeds you can claim for a refund from the company. Please remember that we can guarantee the most effective and timely transportation of your car by allowing for flexibility in pickup dates, taking into account logistical issues and truck availability.


Wanna know how this pick window works? Well this is how it works!

Firstly you provide us with the earliest date you can tell your car is prepared for pickup.

We start looking for a driver who can meet your pickup needs. Even though we have a wide variety of trucks in our company, it can take longer in some places to choose a trucker

We mostly use email to communicate the transport arrangements after the carrier is assigned to your package. For easy coordination, the truck driver's contact details are usually included in this message.

The assigned carrier gets in touch with you a few hours before the scheduled pickup day to give you an estimated pickup time. With this heads-up, you have plenty of time to get any last-minute details ready before they arrive.

Before your car is loaded into the truck, the carrier gives it a full inspection upon delivery.

You can get an idea of how long it will take to deliver your car by looking at mileage-based estimates.

Point To Be Noted: make sure to mention if you’ve put any of your valuable belongings in the document so that the carrier knows that it is present in the car and if due to any unexpected situation it is not present at the time of delivery you can claim it from the transporter.


Decide on a location that is convenient for you and the transporter to go to. If the truck has trouble going through your residential streets, you might want to meet at a parking area nearby to make things go more smoothly. In order to avoid delays, choose a reliable partner to manage the transfer if you are unable to give the car to the carrier on the day of pickup. To prevent arguing on the day of payment, make sure that all payment terms and insurance information are understood well in advance. As soon as you meet the transporter, be sure you understand the conditions of your contract. Before pickup day, get your car ready in accordance with the transporter's instructions. It is important that every vehicle in transportation be free from mechanical problems. Let the carrier know in advance if there are any issues. Prior to your car being put into the truck, make note of the speedometer reading. While some small miles may be recorded during loading, significant differences should be fixed right away.


To ensure a smooth car delivery process, follow these steps:

Being on time is essential. When it's time for your delivery, arrive quickly to meet your transporter. Upon arrival, conduct a thorough inspection of your car and compare its current condition with the pre-transport information. In the event that there are any damages during transit, this paperwork is essential. If you are unable to attend, assign a reliable person to carry out the inspection in your place.

Remember that your car can pick up dust, debris, or even bad weather like snow while being transported. This is normal and similar to what you would experience if you were the driver

Make sure there are no unexpected mechanical problems by starting the vehicle and checking the speedometer before completing the delivery.

Get in touch with us if you're searching for a dependable and safe car transportation service. Together, we'll choose the earliest day that works for you and guarantees an uninterrupted travel experience.


In conclusion, the key to a smooth car delivery is early planning and effective communication. Setting the stage for an easy transfer involves arriving on time for your meeting with your transporter. Upon arrival, it is important to carry out an in-depth check or assign this responsibility to a reliable person in order to reduce any possible harm. It helps to be prepared for any small visual changes by keeping in mind that your vehicle may experience normal wear and tear during transport. Before completing the delivery, make sure everything is in working order by checking the speedometer and verifying the mechanical elements. In the end, you can handle the procedure with confidence and ease if you collaborate with a reliable carrier and plan ahead successfully.